Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Tree Scavanger Hunt

Saturday morning we decided to go finally get our tree. So its a little past the traditional post Thanksgiving date, but since Mom and Dad were bashing around Europe, we thought that we would be courteous enough to wait for them...and Dad supplies the financial end of the tree getting. We left the house, braving the single-digit temperature, and drove in blowing snow to po-dunk somewhere up past St. Joseph to a tree farm. Dad got a saw from the farm owners and set out in search of our tree. Marching in line in and out of rows of trees we braved the freezing conditions, briar patches, and the occasional slip up in hopes of finding the perfect Christmas tree. There were few promising trees, most the branches were dying or too sparce, and the trunks were either split into two or they were up against other trees making one side completely bare. We finally had to admit defeat and marched back, treeless, to the van to warm our numb fingers and toes. The girls went to dance and the rest of us went to Nelson's to check out there tree supply. The manager recognized us and brought us out back and within five minutes we had a tree picked out and Daniel was picking it up with the manager's help and was carrying it to the van. Hurray for Nelson's! We decided we liked this tree tradition and every penny of the $100 to get it was well worth it. The tree is beautiful, the perfect height (after cutting off a bit of the top ) and more lush than anything we saw in the tree farm.
Becca do you remember carrying those two trees to our apartments from Smiths? We were crazy :) Photos to hopefully come shortly.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Thanks for keeping us "posted" Lees - no pun intended. I have told the story so many times of us marching across University Avenue with two christmas trees. Good memories!!

so is the tree all decorated?