Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey everybody! This is Rachel, not Blais.  Blais wanted me to make sure that I put that because otherwise people might get confused... anyway,   I keep talking to family and friends from out of town and they all ask me if I have a belly yet, so I am posting proof.  Yes there is a belly, no I can't see my feet if i look straight down, and yes I still feel like I have been hit by a truck.  It got better for a while, and then I got sick.  Nobody should ever have to be pregnant and sick. Back to the belly, on Friday the 16 we are going in for our ultrasound, so the time to place bets on the baby's gender is now! 


Unknown said...

Heres my first guess... ITS A GIRL!!!!! haha :p

James said...

I agree w/ Sarah actually I think it's going to be a girl.

Rachie said...

My official guess is boy, but am very open to girl, as long as she doesn't look like Sarah... thats for asking for the coacoa cake recipe again.

Sarah said...

haha! yes... i deserved that one :p I just have to mention that when I was reading your post and you clarified it was you and not blaise... I thought you were refering to the picture. lol! I was like... is blaise starting to look more like you?? I mean, I know when you get married... you sorta become one. Anyways. Too bad your little girl is going to miss out on some hot looks :D

Hannah Robinson said...

i think it's gunna be a boy, but just so you know I really want a girl dancer baby so he better be one amazing tapper ;-)

Lees said...

It's a girl! Yep, that's what I say. A cute little baby bundle of girliness :)

Becca said...

My guess is a girl before I even saw the other guesses.

Paul H Robinson said...

Your baby will be wonderful and I think he is a boy.

Rachie said...

nobody tell sarah the gender, she has yet to call me!