My Latest Project: Baby Book
So my latest project that I have decided to undertake is putting together a baby book. Holly and I have known we have needed to document our children's milestones but we felt very torn. We didn't want to buy this really expensive baby book and record every moment and every little thing that our first child does and then when it gets to child number 5, they feel shafted.
We decided that instead of buying a book that we will probably never be able to find the duplicate of when the time comes for #2, we were going to create our own. Luckily Holly is very creative and is helping me :) What are amazing friends for right?
Here is the criteria we used:
- Same book for every kid (same layout)
- We want a template but also want areas to hand-write notes and information so that our kids can see how much like a man my handwriting is
- It isn't too crazy and complicated that we can fill out the same information for child #1 as child #21 (no we really aren't thinking about having 21 kids, maybe 20 though haha)
- Add some embellishments to the page to make them unique and more fun than just a black and white document
With those criteria we went shopping, with Collin's approval of course :) We were blessed to find paper on crazy sale and some very cute cutouts to put on the pages for both boys and girls. Our plan is to decorate pages for boys and girls so that we have them ready to go so when we have a ton of kids we don't have to spend the time to sit down and spend time gluing and stamping. We only spent about $25 to get everything for about 4 children's baby books. Much better than paying that and more for one and this way I get to make it exactly how I want it.
We are almost done but here is a glimpse at one of the pages. I will make sure and bring the finished product with us at Christmas!!
We are totally open to more ideas of things that you have included in your baby book or ideas you think would be fun!
wait....i didnt approve of any shopping!
jsut kidding :) isnt my wife awesome! :D
Haha Yes she is! :D
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